JENNEWEIN pure sports

JENNEWEIN pure sports

in St. Anton am Arlberg

Give it a go: For great summit-feelings and extraordinary adventures. Explore the most outstanding sports- and fashion product range - including ROTWILD premium-mountain bikes and many other top-brands - in St. Anton.

Follow the passion.

Rental prices in Euro

½ day 1 day 3 days
E-Fully powereder by Brose Turbo Bike 39 49 129
E-Fully powereder by Yamaha
Sport Bike 42 42 113
E-Hardtrail MTB-Fully
Cruise Bike 26 34 95
Kids Bike
Cruise bike 13 17 48
Bike back-pack (a*) 10 15 44

(a*) incl. first aid- package, spine protector, bike lock, repair set.

ONLINE BIKE RENTALS – Open 24/7 – extern

Premium Card

PREMIUM Card includes:

€ 20 discount from a purchase value of € 100 - This does not apply to goods that have already been reduced.

JENNEWEIN pure sports - Logo


JENNEWEIN pure sports

Dorfstraße 2, extern

6580 St. Anton am Arlberg

Phone: +43 5446 2830
Web: extern