Alpe Dawin   

The tour to the Dawin alp promises a beautiful view on the “Pezinerspitze” and “Hoher Riffler” mountains. Starting from the village, the path leads in serpentines through the various districts of Strengen to a district named “Lorett”. It is an easy ride for e-bikers, while hikers can also take the bus. Shortly after the beginning of the woodland, the path splits. Hikers can walk up the steep old woodland path, which later leads to the driveway. Alternatively, you can take the woodland path, which is also used by (e-)mountain bikers, to drive to the top. Past beautiful mountain meadows, the trail turns left into the woodland again and continues upwards. As soon as the woodland ends, you will reach the hut. Bikers can return on the same route, whereas hikers can go further on to the "Großer See" in direction “Grinner” Ski Hut. Here, however, pay attention not to miss the throughabout to Strengen.

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Further Information

Alpe Dawin

6571 Strengen





15.06.- 07.09.2024 // Open Thursday to Monday!

1.819 m

Contact person(s):

Andreas Zürcher (Hirt)
T:+43 664 433 88 46
Alexandra Zürcher (Sennerin)
T:+43 676 540 03 34

Contact person(s):

Andreas Zürcher (Hirt)
T:+43 664 433 88 46
Alexandra Zürcher (Sennerin)
T:+43 676 540 03 34