Detective and Crime Trail St. Anton am Arlberg

Detective Trail

Detectives be aware: Who will crack the riddle?

Detective Trail St. Anton am Arlberg

On the trail of the riddle


There are 17 riddles to be solved throughout the village. The exciting trail begins at the Tourist Office in St. Anton am Arlberg. The first station is at the hiking board in the park. The route continues via Gertrud-Gabl-Platz and the museum extern, back to the old railway station, on to Arlen Castle and via the church and the Alte Thönihaus to the finish, which is again at the starting point at the Tourist Association. In between, there are other well-known locations along the circular route. The four-digit solution code can be calculated once all the puzzles have been successfully solved. With the correct code, a small surprise awaits all successful detectives at the end. The detective trail is suitable for adults and children who can already read and write.



  • Start and finish: Tourist Office St. Anton am Arlberg

  • Distance and duration: approx. 5 km / 3 hours

  • Level of difficulty: easy-medium

  • Participation with treasure map or via Web App*

  • Bookable at the Tourist Office (request via Experience Shop possible)

  • Surprise for all successful detectives in the treasure chest (Tourist Office and Service Center)

  • Treasure chest: You can pick up the treasure during the opening hours of the Tourist Office: contact details and opening hours.

Tip: Take enough water, sturdy shoes and snacks with you. Check your battery level once again and off you go! For refreshments you can visit one of the many restaurants along the Detective Trail, our tourist establishments are looking forward to seeing you.

Detective Trail Map

*The Detective Trail can be completed either with the help of a printed treasure map or through the Detective Trail Web App using a smartphone (iOS and Android). The treasure map in paper format is available at the St. Anton am Arlberg Tourist Office (opening hours). The digital map (app) is available 24 hours a day. The offer is subject to a charge. For details please contact us at +43 5446 22690 or Supported by MyCityHighlight extern .

Crime Trails

Crime fans get their money's worth on the crime trails

Crime-Trail St. Anton am Arlberg



  • Start: Museum St. Anton am Arlberg
  • Cost: 28€ (individual and group price)
  • Distance and duration: approx. 4 km and approx. 2 hours
  • Bookable: at the tourist office
  • Level of difficulty: easy-medium

Tip: Take enough water, sturdy shoes and snacks with you. Check your battery level once again and off you go! For refreshments you can visit one of the many restaurants along the Trail, our tourist establishments are looking forward to seeing you.