Winterwandelen de Arlberg


Alpine wellness

Alpine wellness. Op middelhoge ligging heerst een licht zuurstoftekort en dat is geenszins schadelijk of belastend voor het lichaam. Juist in tegendeel: het klimaat in de bergen doet in velerlei opzicht bijzonder goed en "alpine wellness" is veel meer dan een commerciële slogan. Talrijke sporters komen sinds vele jaren naar St. Anton am Arlberg (1.304 meter) om op hoogte te trainen.

Ze weten hoe conditie- en prestatiebevorderend en natuurlijk ook hoe gezond het verblijf in de berglucht is. Geniet ook van onze wandelpaden en de frisse, gezonde Alpenlucht. 80 km winterwandelpaden worden voor onze gasten geruimd. Ze voeren óf het toverachtige Verwalltal in, naar Nasserein óf naar St. Jakob am Arlberg. 80 km geprepareerde wandelpaden maken het sportieve aanbod voor nordic walkers  en hardlopers compleet. Rosanna 20 km, Verwall 14 km, round St. Anton am Arlberg 3 km, Galerie 3 km, Rodelhütte 7 km, Jakobusweg 7 km, Ganderau 3 km, Pettneu via Vadiesen 12 km, St. Christoph 2 km, ...

Zeitpunkt der letzten Aktualisierung: 2024-07-16 09:02

Verwall - St. Anton - Stanzertal

Not in operation / closed

Winter hiking trail gallery (St. Jakob - turnoff from the winter hiking trail and the Stanzertal cross-country ski trail)

Not in operation / closed

Winterwanderweg Galzig

Not in operation / closed

Jakobusweg winter hiking trail (St. Jakob Friedheim to the district of Gand)

Not in operation / closed

Winter hiking trail Vadiesen (St. Jakob Römerweg or junction Ganderau to Pettneu - Vadiesen)

Not in operation / closed

Verwall winter hiking trail

Verwall - St. Christoph - St. Anton - Stanzertal

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Pofel trail 1.5 km (Pettneu - junction from Stanzertal trail)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Ganderau 3 km (St. Jakob - transition from cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Reit 2 km (Pettneu - junction from cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal)

Not in operation / closed Intermediate slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail St. Christoph 2.5 km

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal 22 km (Pettneu to Schnann north of the Rosanna 3 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal 22 km (Pettneu to Schnann south of the Rosanna 3 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal 22 km (Schnann to Flirsch 2 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal 22 km (St. Anton to St. Jakob 3 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal 22 km (St. Jakob to Pettneu north of the Rosanna 3 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Stanzertal cross-country ski trail and winter hiking trail 22 km (St. Jakob to Pettneu south of the Rosanna 3 km)

Not in operation / closed Intermediate slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Verwall 10 km (Salzhütte to Rasthaus 2.5 km)

Not in operation / closed Intermediate slope

Verwall trail 10 km (Arlenbach to Salzhütte 2.5 km)

Not in operation / closed Intermediate slope

Verwall trail 10 km (start to Arlenbach 2.5 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Night cross-country skiing Pettneu (Monday, Friday with floodlights - south of the Rosanna 2 km)


in operation / open


Not in operation / closed


Easy slope


Intermediate slope


Difficult slope


Snowshoeing in the holiday region St. Anton am Arlberg
Winterwandelen in de regio St. Anton am Arlberg
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Video - Winterwandelen in St. Christoph am Arlberg

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