Cross-country Report

Cross-country ski runs and winter hiking trails

Last updated: 2024-07-15 16:33

Verwall - St. Christoph - St. Anton - Stanzertal

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Pofel trail 1.5 km (Pettneu - junction from Stanzertal trail)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Ganderau 3 km (St. Jakob - transition from cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Reit 2 km (Pettneu - junction from cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal)

Not in operation / closed Intermediate slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail St. Christoph 2.5 km

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal 22 km (Pettneu to Schnann north of the Rosanna 3 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal 22 km (Pettneu to Schnann south of the Rosanna 3 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal 22 km (Schnann to Flirsch 2 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal 22 km (St. Anton to St. Jakob 3 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Stanzertal 22 km (St. Jakob to Pettneu north of the Rosanna 3 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Stanzertal cross-country ski trail and winter hiking trail 22 km (St. Jakob to Pettneu south of the Rosanna 3 km)

Not in operation / closed Intermediate slope

Cross-country ski run and winter hiking trail Verwall 10 km (Salzhütte to Rasthaus 2.5 km)

Not in operation / closed Intermediate slope

Verwall trail 10 km (Arlenbach to Salzhütte 2.5 km)

Not in operation / closed Intermediate slope

Verwall trail 10 km (start to Arlenbach 2.5 km)

Not in operation / closed Easy slope

Night cross-country skiing Pettneu (Monday, Friday with floodlights - south of the Rosanna 2 km)

Verwall - St. Anton - Stanzertal

Not in operation / closed

Winter hiking trail gallery (St. Jakob - turnoff from the winter hiking trail and the Stanzertal cross-country ski trail)

Not in operation / closed

Winterwanderweg Galzig

Not in operation / closed

Jakobusweg winter hiking trail (St. Jakob Friedheim to the district of Gand)

Not in operation / closed

Winter hiking trail Vadiesen (St. Jakob Römerweg or junction Ganderau to Pettneu - Vadiesen)

Not in operation / closed

Verwall winter hiking trail


in operation / open


Not in operation / closed


Easy slope


Intermediate slope


Difficult slope


Cross-country skiing in St. Christoph am Arlberg
Video Highlight -  Icon

Cross-country skiing in St. Anton am Arlberg


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