E-Scooter in St. Anton am Arlberg

St. Anton am Arlberg

relies on e-Mobility

June 2024

After the 2021 e-bus project, the tourism association and the municipality extern of St. Anton am Arlberg are implementing another project with the help of the micro-mobility provider TIER Mobility extern in order to relieve inner-village traffic and set an example of climate-neutral road traffic.

Helmut Mall und Gerhard Eichhorn in St. Anton am Arlberg
Rules when using e-Scooters

  • Driving on or crossing pavements, sidewalks and protection routes is strictly prohibited
  • Permitted: If there is a cycle path, it must be used. Driving on a lane/road is permitted if there is no cycle lane.
  • In principle, e-scooters have shouldn't be used on sidewalks and pedestrian areas. An e-scooter may be used in pedestrian zones, residential streets and meeting areas - but at a speed adapted to pedestrian traffic!
  • Driving e-scooters on one-way roads/lane is allowed wherever cyclists are allowed.
  • Please note the road traffic regulations and the rules applicable in Austria extern for the use of e-scooters.

In summer, around 50 TIER Mobility e-scooters -which has been operating climate-neutral mobility since 2020-, will be available to guests and locals in the St. Anton am Arlberg municipality in order to counteract the increasing inner-village traffic.

We welcome any feedback and suggestions by contacting Gerhard Eichhorn:

by email eichhorn.gerhard@stantonamarlberg.com by calling +43 5446 2269 or by paying us a visit at the office.


  • From mid-June to autumn 2024, around 50 e-scooters will be parked in the municipal area in cooperation with TIER Mobility and EWA
  • Anyone with a TIER app extern installed on their mobile device can use them
  • Parking is only allowed in dedicated scooter parking spaces, otherwise the built-in clock continues to run, therefore logging out is only possible in areas provided for this purpose
  • Automatic speed limits via GPS in pedestrian zones or other sensitive areas
Parking lots (locations)

  • St. Jakob by the Church
  • Railway station
  • SPAR Markt
  • Terminal Ost
  • St. Anton am Arlberg Tourism Association
  • Parking lot Dengert
  • Fire Brigade Station in St. Jakob
  • Nassereinerstraße / Junction Pfarri
  • Arlberg WellCom
  • "Oberdorf" (Upper Village)
  • In the center of St. Jakob
  • At the beginning of the Verwall Valley

  • No unlock fee

  • + € 0.29/usage per minute