Marksmen's club St. Anton am Arlberg

Marksmen's Festival in St. Anton am Arlberg

09 to 11 August 2024

The traditional festival with musical entertainment is awaiting locals and guests from the 9th to the 11th of August 2024. On Sunday a holy mass is traditionally held at the festival tent. The parade of the local brass bands is one of the highlights of Sundays programme. Local gastronomy is offered on site.

Friday, August 9, 2024

19.30 hrs

Grand entry with the St. Anton am Arlberg Brass Band, Flirscher Schützenkompanie and Schützenbrüderschaft Mülheim-Kärlich.

21.00 hrs

Entertainment "Zillertal Power"

Saturday, August 10, 2024

19.30 hrs

Procession featuring the St. Jakob am Arlberg Brass Band, Schützenkompanie Schnann and Schützenbruderschaft Mülheim-Kärlich.
21.00 hrs Live music by "Die Thierseer".

Sunday, August 11, 2024

09:30 hrs

Holy Mass and consecration of the new flag in the festival tent, accompanied by the Ehrenkompanie from Pettneu and musically framed by the St. Anton am Arlberg Brass Band.
afterwards Morning pint with “MEN N, Brass”.

13:30 hrs

Parade and review of the rifle formations and brass bands at the municipal office.


Concert by the St. Jakob am Arlberg and Tobadill Brass Bands.
17:30 hrs Festival finale with “Die Alpis”.