Alpine Cattle Drives in the Region

Alpine Cattle Drives in the Region

in September, 2023

When the mountain summer is slowly coming to an end and the first leaves are turning, the cows are adorned and sent back to the valley. Decorating the cows is supposed to symbolise a trouble-free summer on the mountain pastures. If the summer passes without any accidents, on the day of the alpine catte drive, decorative wreaths are placed on the heads of the cattle. The two cows that gave the most milk and those cattles that showed themeselves to be the leaders are „awarded“ with the titels of „Stafel“. Traditionally the alpine cattle drives takes place on the third Saturday in September.

Alpine cattle drives on September 5th

Alpine cattle drive in Schnann am Arlberg

At 17.00 hrs the cheese sale and beverage bar begins at the Dorfplatz extern, around 18.00 hrs the Almabtrieb begins.

Schnann am Arlberg

Alpine cattle drives on September 16th

Alpine Cattle Drive in St. Anton am Arlberg

Alpine Cattle Drive in St. Anton am Arlberg

After the alpine cattle drive will be a country festival with musical entertainment on the Griesplatz extern. The festival starts at 10.30 hrs, the parade begins at 13.00 hrs and runs from the roundabout externat the Rendlbahn through the pedestrian zone. Snacks and drinks will be offered.

Alpine Cattle Drive in Pettneu am Arlberg


In Pettneu am Arlberg we celebrate this day with the alpine cattle drive and a farmers festival with musical entertainment. The alpine cattle drive takes place at the Dorfplatz externin front of the town hall - food and beverages are provided! The alpine cattle drives will arrive roughly as follows:


10.00 hrs Verwall
10.30 hrs Erlach (Erli)
11.00 hrs Maroi
12.00 hrs Boden
12.30 hrs Malfon
14.30 hrs Nessler
15.30 hrs Mahdberg
Alpine Cattle Drive in Pettneu am Arlberg
Alpine cattle drive in Flirsch

Alpine cattle drive in Flirsch


At the Dorfplatz Flirsch extern food and drinks will be provided during the alpine cattle drive. The festival begins at 12.00 hrs, around 13.00 hrs arrives the Almabtrieb from the Maroi and at about 17.00 hrs clock the Almabtrieb of the Mahdberg.

Alpine cattle drive in Strengen


Join us at the Strengen Fire Department Hall. Starting at 14.00 hrs - Arrival of the Alpe Boden and Dawin. Delicious food and drinks will be available.

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